For a current market valuation of your property, complete the following form and click on 'Send Valuation' at the bottom and we will contact you to arrange a visit, at a date and time convenient to you.
For a current market valuation of your property, complete the following form and click on 'Send Valuation' at the bottom and we will contact you to arrange a visit, at a date and time convenient to you.
After several weeks of working from home, from Wednesday 13th May 2020, the government have put forward steps to unlock the housing Market.
We have been informed that safety guidance will be following shortly from the government, so please bear with us whilst we put into action these measures. This is not only ensure the safety of clients but also our staff members, making sure we are still abiding by social distancing rules.
We are still carrying on as before, being available, both over the telephone and by email during this time.
Wae will be aiming to open our office doors, commence viewings and start physical valuations as soon as we are satisfied that we can do this both practically and safely.
Many sales and tenancies can now start to be organised and we look forward to working with you in securing your property.
May we thank you for your patience both during this lockdown period and the transition period moving forwards.
We will ensure as a company we do all we can to responsibly move forwards in line with the guidance which we are being issued.